
DMD’s MMA is a 2 storey, open space mar­tial arts train­ing cen­tre. Down­stairs com­prises a gym­na­sium with weights and car­dio equip­ment with a mat­ted area used for BJJ/MA and Karate. The main train­ing area upstairs includes a huge mat­ted area with mir­rors, box­ing area, two box­ing rings, male and female change-ooms with lock­ers plus heaps more.

Cater­ing for all expe­ri­ence lev­els and ages, our facil­i­ties include:

  • Gym­na­sium – free weights area, pin-oaded weights and car­dio equipment

  • 2 Fully mat­ted dojo areas

  • 2 Box­ing rings

  • Punch­ing bags, floor to ceil­ing and speed balls

  • Change-rooms, show­ers and lockers

  • Stu­dent break­out room

  • Mar­tial arts sup­plies, train­ing equip­ment and apparel

All stu­dents at DMD’s MMA must be mem­bers to train, exclud­ing casual gym­na­sium members